Wednesday 16 January 2013

Departures and Arrivals

Heading off to Invercargill on the 3 pm flight.
Meeting Hamish and Dad at the airport at two.
Am in a terrible rush trying to do my packing at the last minute as had only 3 hours sleep last night.
Had hoped to get this Blog up to date before I left and regale you with tales of a most amazing Caddy.
But last night Vida , my dog friend, went into labour at about 7.30 and things did not go well.
Her "Mum" had to get her to the Emergency Vet about 9 pm ,where I joined them.

Quick decisions had to be made to save her life and hopefully at least some of the puppies, as the placental sacs of two of them were out but no puppies in the birth canal to pull out!
Little Vida was so tired and had her 'please do something' look in her eyes.

A caesarian delivery seemed the only option.
She was prepped and under in no time.
We wait till 1.30 am until we could finally see her.
Very out of it on morphine.
But with four squirming brown pups(they look a bit like rats actually at this point)trying to feed.
The wonderful Vet nurses had managed to revive all three of the pups that weren't breathing.

Photos will follow.
But you will have to wait till later to hear of my Nelson exploits and the caddy'extraordinaire' with an outfit for every occasion rivaling my own.

And how I got to the grand total of 39 courses played.

Oh alright just one photo then to give you a taste of what is to come.
Rhonda the Caddy strikes a pose to indicate the next hole.

1 comment:

  1. We are all waiting with baited breathe for the next instalment! Where has Ariel gone?
